The grande dames of the Cariboo: discovering Vivien Cowan and Sonia Cornwall and their intriguing friendship with A.Y. Jackson and Joe Plaskett
Biographies, Beaux-arts (biographies), Femmes (biographies), Canadiens (biographies), Ouvrages documentaires canadiens, Auteurs canadiens (documentaires)
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The author began a quest to find out more about an artist from the Cariboo named Sonia Cornwall (1919-2006). Through interviews, letters, original artworks, articles, exhibition catalogues, imaginings of conversations and occurrences, along with her own reflections on the experience,… she pieced together a story of pioneering, love and the pursuit of art. But in searching for Sonia, the author found an unanticipated new friend in Sonia's mother, Vivien Cowan (1893-1990), who became a larger part of the story than she could possibly have imagined. 2013.