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Jour de la Famille
À l’occasion du Jour de la Famille, le CAÉB sera fermé lundi, le 17 février. Les heures d’opération régulières reprendront le mardi 18 février. Nous vous souhaitons un bon congé!
À l’occasion du Jour de la Famille, le CAÉB sera fermé lundi, le 17 février. Les heures d’opération régulières reprendront le mardi 18 février. Nous vous souhaitons un bon congé!
Articles 1 à 20 sur 145
Par Dirk Cussler. 2021
In 1959 Tibet, a Buddhist artifact of immense importance was seemingly lost to history in the turmoil of the Communist…
takeover. But when National Underwater and Marine Agency Director Dirk Pitt discovers a forgotten plane crash in the Philippine Sea over 60 years later, new clues emerge to its hidden existence. But Pitt and his compatriot Al Giordino have larger worries when they are ordered to recover a failed hypersonic missile from Luzon Strait. Only someone else is after it, too…a rogue Chinese military team that makes their own earthshattering discovery, hijacking a ship capable of stirring the waters of the deep into a veritable Devil’s Sea. From the cold dark depths of the Pacific Ocean to the dizzying heights of the Himalaya Mountains, only Dirk Pitt and his children, Summer and Dirk Jr., can unravel the mysteries that will preserve a religion, save a nation…and save the world from war.Par Clive Cussler. 2010
Ten-year-old twins Casey and Lacey's adventures continue when they use their magical machine to turn a model speedboat into a…
life-size motorboat to enter a race in San Francisco, and catch the attention of a villain from their past. Sequel to “The adventures of Vin Fiz”. Grades 3-6. 2010.Par Clive Cussler. 2016
Alors qu'il s'apprête enfin à célébrer son mariage à bord du paquebot Mauretania, Isaac Bell vole au secours de deux…
hommes agressés en pleine nuit : des scientifiques, le professeur Beiderbecke et son jeune assistant Clyde Lynds, peu enclins malgré tout à se confier au brillant détective de l'agence Van Dorn. Quelques jours plus tard, le professeur est retrouvé à l'agonie, enfermé dans une malle. Dès lors, Clyde Lynds n'a d'autre choix que de se confier à Isaac Bell s'il veut garder la vie sauve et protéger leur invention des convoitises qu'elle suscite... Mais les grandes firmes auxquelles il souhaite vendre son dispositif révolutionnaire ne sont visiblement pas les seules intéressées. Dans l'ombre, le mystérieux acrobate, et derrière lui le Deuxième Reich, semblent prêts à tout pour mettre la main sur ce formidable outil de propagande. 2016.Par Clive Cussler. 2001
In the middle of its maiden voyage, the luxury cruise ship "Emerald Dolphin" suddenly catches fire and sinks. What caused…
it? Why didn't the alarms go off? National Underwater Maritime Administration (NUMA) special projects director Dirk Pitt races to rescue the passengers and investigate the disaster, but he has no idea of the bizarre events that are about to engulf him. Sequel to "Atlantis found", followed by "Trojan odyssey". 2001. (Dirk Pitt novel ; 16)Par Clive Cussler. 1994
A group of archaeologists is exploring a Peruvian sinkhole and gets in trouble. Dirk Pitt happens to be in the…
neighbourhood and comes to their aid. But the rescue simply sets in motion a series of events that find Pitt looking for lost treasure, being captured by a band of art smugglers, and swimming through an uncharted underground river. Bestseller. Sequel to "Sahara", followed by "Shock wave". 1994. (Dirk Pitt novel ; 12)Par Clive Cussler. 2007
April 1950: The rusting hulk of a steam locomotive rises from the deep waters of a Montana lake. Inside is…
all that remains of three people who died forty-four years before. But it is neither the engine nor its grisly contents that interest the people watching nearby. It is what is about to come next...? 1906: For two years, the western states of America have been suffering an extraordinary crime spree: a string of bank robberies by a single man who then cold-bloodedly murders any and all witnesses and vanishes without a trace. Fed up by the depredations of "The Butcher Bandit," the U.S. government brings in the best man it can finda tall, lean, no-nonsense detective named Isaac Bell, who has caught thieves and killers from coast to coast. But he has never had a challenge like this one. From Arizona to Colorado to the streets of San Francisco during its calamitous earthquake and fire, he pursues the best criminal mind he has ever encountered, and the woman who seems to hold the key to the man's identity. He repeatedly draws near, only to grasp at empty air, but at least he knows his pursuit is having an effect. Because his quarry is getting angry now, and has turned the chase back on him. And soon, it will take all of Bell's skills not merely to prevail...?ut to survive.Par Clive Cussler. 2020
It is up to Juan Cabrillo and the crew of his ship, the Oregon , to stop a terrorist plot…
to release a deadly chemical weapon across the globe in the explosive new novel in Clive Cussler's #1 New York Times bestselling series. While interrupting an attack on a Kuwaiti oil tanker, Juan Cabrillo and his team discover something even more dangerous: a ruthless billionaire's dying wish has allowed a paralyzing chemical to end up in the hands of a terrorist group. When an Oregon crew member falls victim to the poison, Juan Cabrillo will stop at nothing to find an antidote before it is too late. He and his team must connect an ancient mystery with a cunning modern enemy in order to save millions of innocent lives, including their ownPar Clive Cussler. 2020
Kurt Austin and the NUMA crew risk everything to stop a cutthroat arms dealer from stealing a priceless ancient treasure…
in the thrilling new novel from the #1 New York Times -bestselling grand master of adventure. In 1074 B.C., vast treasures disappear from the tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs. In 1927, a daredevil American aviator vanishes on an attempted transcontinental flight. And in the present day, a fishing trawler—along with its mysterious cargo—sinks off the coast of Scotland. How are these three mysterious events connected? And, more importantly, what do they mean for Kurt Austin and his NUMA team? As they search for answers, the NUMA squad join the agents of the British MI5 to take on a wide-reaching international conspiracy. Their common enemy is the Bloodstone Group, a conglomerate of arms dealers and thieves attempting to steal ancient relics on both sides of the Atlantic. Kurt and his team soon find themselves wrapped up in a treacherous treasure hunt as they race to find the lost Egyptian riches. . . before they fall into the wrong handsPar Clive Cussler. 2020
Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo come up against an old enemy while searching for a treasure that has been…
lost for centuries in this exciting adventure in the bestselling series by the Clive Cussler, Grand Master of Adventure. Ten years ago, a chance meeting at the Lighthouse Café in Redondo Beach led Sam Fargo and Remi Longstreet on the adventure of a lifetime, hunting the legendary riches stolen from the Persian King Croesus in 546 B.C. But they weren't the only ones. Someone else is after the gold, and he's willing to kill anyone who gets in his way. When Sam and Remi run afoul of a criminal drug-running operation, their hopes of finding the treasure are dashed. But with Sam's ingenuity and Remi's determination, they survive their confrontation with the drug runners, and manage to send one of the key players to prison. Though the cache of gold is never found, life goes on. Sam and Remi marry—and years later return to Greece to find the one treasure that got away. Time becomes their enemy when the kingpin they helped send to prison over a decade ago is released—and he has two goals in mind. Find the legendary hoard of King Croesus, and kill Sam and Remi Fargo. The Fargos know that as long as this gold is out there, no one is safe. They return to Greece for a final showdown—and one last chance to find that elusive treasurePar Clive Cussler. 2021
Detective Isaac Bell's investigation into an attempted assassination brings him to the site of the Panama Canal—and straight into a…
nest of vipers—in the latest adventure in the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Clive Cussler. Detective Isaac Bell's wife has said that he is always in the wrong place at the right time. This is certainly the case when Bell thwarts the attempted assassination of a United States Senator shortly after meeting the man. This heroic rescue is just the start of the mystery for Bell, who suspects that the would-be assassins have a much larger and more dangerous agenda—one involving the nearly-constructed Panama Canal. While the Senator supports the building of the canal, there are many, including a local Panamanian insurgency known as the Red Vipers, who never want to see the its completion. With millions of dollars and the fates of two nations at stake, Bell heads to Panama to find answers. After a deadly bombing at the Canal's construction site, he is determined to stop the insurgents—or whoever is funding them—before they can attack againPar Clive Cussler. 2007
In 1906, the U.S. government hires no-nonsense detective Isaac Bell to apprehend a murderous bank robber nicknamed the Butcher Bandit.…
Bell pursues his quarry throughout the Wild West, arriving in San Francisco during a disastrous earthquake and fire. Bell soon discovers that he, too, is being hunted. Some violence. 2007Par Clive Cussler. 2019
Kurt Austin est blessé lors d'une opération de sauvetage à bord d'un yacht. Le lendemain, ses souvenirs sont confus. Il…
ne sait plus si son amie Sienna et la fille de celle-ci, ont péri noyées ou si le bateau était abandonné lorsqu'il est monté à bord. Se méfiant de sa mémoire, il est déterminé à découvrir la vérité et se trouve bientôt plongé dans un sombre univers de cybercrimes d'Etats.Par Clive Cussler. 2002
Kurt Austin and his forces at the National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA) battle Mikhail Razov, a Russian billionaire who…
plans to destroy the coastal United States. Razov fires missiles in the ocean to release methane hydrate that triggers tsunamis and global warming. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2002Par Clive Cussler. 1976
To ensure America's security, it becomes essential to obtain the rare element byzanium, which lies in the hold of the…
sunken Titanic. Dirk Pitt, jack-of-all-trades, attempts to raise the ship, but a hurricane and Russian spies complicate his mission. Strong languagePar Clive Cussler. 2021
Juan Cabrillo et l'équipage de l'Oregon ont fait une découverte en lien avec les recherches révolutionnaires de Gunther Lutzen, un…
savant allemand ayant péri au large de la Martinique lors de l'éruption volcanique de 1902. Pour éviter d'être suivi, Juan simule le naufrage de son navire, mais un mystérieux adversaire est bien déterminé à s'emparer des secrets de Lutzen.Par Clive Cussler. 2016
Dirk Pitt, the director of the National Underwater and Marine Agency, is on the Black Sea, helping to locate a…
lost Ottoman shipwreck, when he responds to an urgent Mayday-"Under attack!"-from a nearby freighter. But when he and his colleague Al Giordino arrive, there is nobody there. Just dead bodies and a smell of sulfur in the air. As Pitt and Giordino explore, a blast from the stern scuttles the ship swiftly, almost taking them with it. The more the two of them search for the secret of the death ship, the deeper they descend into an extraordinary series of discoveries. A desperate attempt in 1917 to preserve the wealth and power of the Romanov Empire. A Cold War bomber lost with a deadly cargo. A brilliant developer of advanced drone technology on an unknown mission. Modern-day nuclear smugglers, determined Ukrainian rebels, a beautiful anti-terrorism agent from Europol-all will combine to present Pitt with the most dangerous challenge of his career. And not only Pitt. His two children, marine engineer Dirk and oceanographer Summer, are exploring a mysterious shipwreck of their own, when they are catapulted into his orbit. The three of them are used to perilous situations-but this time, they may have found their match.Par Clive Cussler. 2003
Dirk Pitt was astonished to discover that he had two grown children he had never known, 23-year-old twins born to…
a woman he thought had died in an underwater earthquake. Both have inherited his love of the sea, and now they are about to help their father in the adventure of a lifetime. The two young people are working in a NUMA underwater enclosure off the shore of Nicaragua, trying to determine its origin. Then the worst storm in years boils up out of the sky, heading not only straight for them but also for a luxurious floating resort hotel.Par Clive Cussler. 2003
After meeting their father for the first time in Valhalla Rising, twins Summer and Dirk work for marine agency NUMA…
investigating a brown tide in the Caribbean, where they discover mysterious ancient relics. Meanwhile Dirk Sr. rushes to save a floating resort from a deadly hurricane. Some violence. Bestseller. 2003.Par Clive Cussler. 2001
In the middle of its maiden voyage, the luxury cruise ship "Emerald Dolphin" suddenly catches fire and sinks. What caused…
it? Why didn't the alarms go off? National Underwater Maritime Administration (NUMA) special projects director Dirk Pitt races to rescue the passengers and investigate the disaster, but he has no idea of the bizarre events that are about to engulf him. 2001.Par Clive Cussler. 2001
Dirk Pitt, on board an oceanographic survey vessel, helps rescue passengers from a luxury cruise ship that mysteriously catches fire…
on its maiden voyage. One of the survivors is Kelly Egan who has managed to save her father's papers, only to have her life threatened. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2001.